Welcome to the web site of the Loudon County Property Assessor. The purpose of this site is to provide you, the county taxpayer, with the information and tools you need to understand your property assessments, the county’s property tax system in general, and to access the many resources available to you through the Assessor’s office.
You will also find downloadable forms and interactive tools that could save you considerable time and trouble. When you’re finished, please take a moment to go to our survey before exiting the site. We want to continuously improve this site as part of our ongoing effort to find better ways to serve you.
Our office staff of knowledgeable, experienced, and friendly professionals are ready to serve you. If at any time you have a question about an assessment or any other issue pertaining to county property or taxation, please call us. Or, you are always welcome to come by and visit in Suite 201 of the Courthouse Annex.
Please remember that the Assessor does not raise or lower your tax rate; that is a function of the County Commission. The Assessor does, however, strive to effectively administer Tennessee tax law and fairly appraise all property subject to taxation as mandated by the General Assembly.